Ledger Live App

The Ledger Live App is your go-to solution for managing your cryptocurrency assets with ease and security. With the Ledger Live App, available on both mobile and desktop platforms, you have the power

To enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on the Ledger Live app:

  1. Download and install the Ledger Live app on your desktop or mobile device.

  2. Connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your device and unlock it.

  3. In the Ledger Live app, go to the "Manager" tab and find the "FIDO U2F" app. Install this app on your Ledger device.

  4. Once the FIDO U2F app is installed, you can use your Ledger device as a security key to enable 2FA on various online services that support FIDO U2F, such as Google, Facebook, Dropbox, and GitHub.

  5. To use 2FA, when logging into a supported service, you will be prompted to confirm the login by pressing the buttons on your connected Ledger device.

The key benefit of using 2FA with your Ledger device is that it provides an additional layer of security beyond just your password, as the physical device is required to authorize transactions. This helps protect your crypto assets even if your password is compromised.

Last updated